….at first, he just stood there off the curb, in the street, in the lane blocking traffic leading to the on-ramp to the freeway. I wondered what lesson life sent him here to teach. Did it have to do with an enlarged ego. I noticed his torn tattered clothes, covered in the grime and grit of the street and the full shopping cart nearby as he moved back to the curb. Then he crossed this six-lane road, almost in a dare you to hit me look on his face. Then he crossed back and the lesson came. There are two perspectives leading to a loss of fear for one’s safety. One is such a loss of the value of life as to wish for a swift end; the other is the joy arising from knowing the eternity of life and joy of each moment; I choose joy.
As you reads these posts, please keep in mind this simple formula:
U R = I AM
All this time, wherever you have read I Am, you have been reading about yourself. Your highest nature, the Buddha within, the Christ-mind, Essence, Presence, the greater self. The one consciousness, the infinite creative substance of the universe. It is that essence expressing itself as the blade of grass, the mountain, the distant galaxy, the grain of sand, the sun, the ocean and all the myriad forms and U and I. It is Being! Not knowing who you are is the only sin!
As mankind embraces all he perceives in Love, mankind will spontaneously awaken to Heaven on Earth. It is here, right here. It runs through us every moment, right now. We are it! It is this U R! It is this I Am. Walk in this awareness for a moment and realize the sacredness of you and witness that sacredness rising in everything you see. You will discover the stillness beyond judgements, beyond personality, beyond time, beyond the grasp of the ego, beyond the illusion of separation. You inhale peace, you exhale joy!
It is this one’s contention, living in essence,
dying in the physical, allows space for union with the
essence of all life, spirit to spirit, actual living.
The more integration, the less discrimination;
the more illumined, shining from within, the
wiser we become.
Death in the ego yields detachment;
less is needed to live, more is gotten to Love.
Perceive this in a moment, glimpse infinity!
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