Exploring the one teacher of us all, The Inner Mentor, through this conversation.There is a solution to the hunger, ignorance and violence that permeates our environment, and so it must be said.

It is a solution that demands redirection in every aspect of our lives. We must see with the eyes of our inner

We must concentrate our mental energies on researching how things are connected, combined, interrelated, and intertwined, instead of how to divide things, we will start seeing evidence of harmonious unity.

This is a challeng for readers to redirect their focus from the divisive to the unifying aspects of life, asserting that the real change we seek in the world begins within ourselves.

There is a solution to the hunger, ignorance and violence that permeates our environment, and so it must be said. It is a solution that demands redirection in every aspect of our lives. We must see with the eyes of inner vision.

We must concentrate our mental energies on researching how things are connected, combined, interrelated, inter-twined, instead of how to divide things up! When we direct our keen, investigative minds on seeing how creating is about putting things together, instead of breaking them down, we will start seeing evidence of harmonious unity.