Journey to “It Is This I Am”

I was scheduled for open heart surgery the evening of October 9, however due to an administrative error it had to be rescheduled for the very next morning. The error was a lack of my type of blood, but it was not discovered until after I had my pre-surgery anesthesia. First thing the next morning I get my pre-surgery anesthesia again. From the upper corner of the Operating Room, I watched the routine open-heart surgery proceed, when the anesthesiologist informed the surgeon “we’ve lost him”.  His response “how could that be” was understandable.  The surgeon’s confusion was evident in his reply. I had died. The next thing appearing in my consciousness was the sensation of my attention turning toward the corner of the room, and the juncture where the walls meet the ceiling began to lose their definition as they were being absorbed by the most intensely brilliant light I had ever known. As the turning continued all that I knew myself to be, at that time, was merged into that light. I rested in this impersonal state of knowing all of this was completely necessary and I was at peace. I had never in my 13 years of life known that depth of calmness, stillness, peace .

I was returned to my room after only three days in the Intensive Care Unit, instead of the three weeks scheduled. My surgeon came to visit because, as he put it, “you were gone for so long, I knew you would be a vegetable if you should wake up, when I heard you were awake and singing I had to come see our little miracle child”. I did not ponder his statements, I knew!

The next few years were drastically different in terms of content. Everything had a much deeper meaning and I expressed a different perception on things than my peers. I had a need to share my thoughts with my mother as she prepared dinner and on several occasions she remarked “boy, I gave you life and I don’t know you anymore, there’s no way you should know the things you do from the life you’ve lived”. I did not question her statements nor offer any explanation. I knew!

Years of searching for others that knew led me to the Kyballion, The Upanishads, Hermetic Philosophy, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Ram Dass, Eckert Tolle, Mooji Baba, Maharishi Maresh Yogi, Yogananda, Buddha. I found agreement and kinship with the essence of all these teachings and the knowing I possessed.

I decided to share that knowing with all that would listen, that is until my two-bedroom apartment filled to the brim with visitors to the point my partner felt out of place. So, I stopped the sharing by conversation and decided to write it in the form of songs, and produced a CD of spirituality based songs. The chorus line of one song reaffirmed the essence,

“You and me, and he and she, now we must Love, here and now we must Love”

It turned out that the more I let it flow from me the more there was to share. So, I consolidated the essence of the experiences unfolding in my life into my published work “It Is This I Am”!

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Remembering the Self,

…The One Self, that is eternal, resides in all. As one recognizes, cognitively identifies with, one assimilates the state of Being Eternal Cognition; Enlightenment!!

There is no inanimate, for all things contain anima, life essence; all life essence contains consciousness; all consciousness is united. A-tune to this, harmonize with this, discover Uni-verse!

Life Sings….


in considering wisdom, to say I am wise is evidence I am not; to say I am unwise is an admittance of ignorance…to claim enlightenment is not only self-identification, it is beyond evaluation of evidence or the need for admittance…


….if you can give it up, out of Love, no one can take anything from you, they can only receive…true power is giving up your power without begrudging or regretting…

When the time is right that which is needed for ascension appears.
Pay attention to your interactions with others on a daily basis and hear how your life impacts theirs.
Listen to the respect, compassion, sincerity you share with others and they with you.

You have begun to change your respect for Life and living beings.
Seeing all living beings as emanations of the one Self you now move with fierce compassion.
Realizing, as you do, that which resides in you resides in all that share this existence.

You share who you are with all others through your thoughts, words and actions. Your thoughts, words and actions are the outward manifestations of your perception of your being.

…I take a deep breath and it flows…   

“I don’t have a clue what my message is! I do know that on the atomic level of things there is no definitive line between my skin and the air surrounding it. And it’s the same air surrounding all of you. On the atomic level of life there are no definitive lines no division no separation between any of the phenomena of life. On the most basic level of life, it is all intermingled, intertwined, all connected, including all of us in this room. Any belief based on separation is therefore illusion.

“Looking at life from this perspective, I can see the divine unity in life. I get a new definition to that possessive term ‘my life’. My life then becomes all I see, hear, feel, smell and touch. There is nothing outside of this term ‘my life’. It is all inclusive from the most distant star on the edge of the known universe to the grain of sand on the closest beach. Each and everything and everybody is included in this term ‘my life’. Including that part of my life I call me, myself and I am.

“There is another aspect of this perspective, this point of view. That aspect is what occurs in one’s intuitive cognition. It is apparent that there is a level of one’s being that is very subtle. It is pure awareness. The more one consciously dwells in this awareness, the more it becomes the dominant state of being. The more it is allowed to be the dominant state of being, the healthier the body, the calmer the heart, the more expansive the mind. It is very subtle, and yet extremely powerful. It is without boundaries, without distinctions, just beyond the limitations of time/space and personality. It is essence and it is within and makes up all phenomena.

“This is one’s nature, one’s real essence, one’s real identity yours mine and everyone else’s. It is This, I am. This level of one’s being is eternal. At this level of being, all essence is united. That which is called one’s being is actually all being. It is life. It is This, I am. Before that which you discern as space came to be, It is This, I am. Before that which you regard as the beginning of time, It is This, I am. Drop the ego and its need to own, manipulate and control all it sees. It is inadequately equipped. Expand your heart enough to bathe all life in Love and joy will be the result.

“The Self is all pervading permeates all time all space all things all places all beings. It is being. It is without bounds and yet it binds all… It is This, I am. The Self is the conscious fabric of eternal creating…It is This, I am. Just beyond one’s space time confined personality, just beyond the illusion of separation…It is This, I am. Know this Self, experience bliss.

“To taste true bliss, combine this perspective with the ultimate creative force, Love, and tap tremendous power. All one needs to do is Love one’s life, and in so doing, Love all life. See the implications. Feel the effect. Infuse with the wonder. Heal the planet.”

“Say I Love You”

 I know the difference tween being in love with yourself and loving who you are;
one way won’t let you love anyone else, the other way creates stars!

Hungry people, living in the streets, searching for a little shelter;

Life reveals this simple key, I’ve been told that it can help ya!

You got to find that calm place, deep within, and when you’re totally at ease,

say this with all the power you can, say it till you feel it in your knees!

Say I Love you, say it loudly to yourself!

C’mon say I love you, say it now to everyone else!

Say I Love you, say it and feel the joy it brings,

Say I Love you, say it and feel your heart sing!

Lonely people, young and old, isolated in your homes;

the heat is on, yet you’re still so cold; stop fearing, stop being alone!

There’s security and peace that comes from accepting yourself;

peace on earth begins with love between man, begin with love between man and himself;


(dedicated to Rhoda Fong)

In my world, there screams a need, to the One,  that truly believes,

to raise the hand, and takes the lead to a better day!

Face the mountain of confusion, that’s been fueling the illusion,

trying to convince us there’s just no other way!

Up to any ridicule; I’ll stand

Up to those that think they rule; I’ll stand

Up to those opposing peace; I’ll stand

To provide the Love we need; I’ll stand

I’m not the first, just the latest, I’m determined to be the greatest,

here to change the world that I perceive!

And to all of those who listen, this truth will surely  glisten,

the gold within you for all the world to see!

Up to ignorance and greed; I’ll stand

My footstool is clarity; I’ll stand

Up to the darkness of the day; I’ll stand

Be the lamp to light the way; I’ll stand


I’ll stand for justice and equality,

 stand for all of humanity,

Stand so all can truly see,

how to live happy throughout eternity;

Stand, there’s no way to make me crawl,

 the best in life, yeah, I want it all,

Change the world, I know we can,

as long as we’re united as we stand!

There’s no more confusing us,

Obstacles and suffering we turn to dust,

Opening our hearts is soothing us,

Heart to heart living protecting us;

Ain’t no magic, just higher mind,

Re-setting our life for the rest of time!

Living in Peace, yeah that’s the plan

But we can only reach it if we stand.

As the revolution starts; Let everyone feel my heart;

Up on the highest roof;Shouting my Love can’t be moved;I’ll Stand!


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