…I continue my directed relaxation technique toward my heart region. All of a sudden, I feel and see a luminosity emanating throughout my body and seemingly lifting out of my body. It is like my essence is rising.
…I look above to see where I’m headed and I notice just before the canopy of stars is a very thin layer of luminous dust that seems to undulate and flow. I fly into it. As I now enter this layer, I realize it is enormous in its depth and breadth. It is filled with that luminous dust. I am drawn to what appears to be a center of concentrated light. There, sitting crossed legged, back as straight as a board, with one arm resting in his lap and the other arm stirring a pond of liquid light with a stick, It is This I am quietly beams.
“Here is the peak of being. It is the thought stream of creation. It is the backdrop of darkness that is the void of thoughtlessness or pre-thought, emptiness as it has been called for ages. It is This, I am.
In a fifty-foot wave there are millions of drops of water released from the curl. Since they see themselves as single drops for a moment they feel separate and fear their own mortality. Then they fall and co-mingle with the body of the wave, the rest of the ocean, the rest of themselves and they realize their fear was based in the illusion of separation. All phenomena issue from the thought stream and think themselves separate, but just as the droplet of water returns to the water that is the ocean and awakens to its greater self, so too do all phenomena awaken to the truth of their essence at the appropriate time. It is this that our journey is about.”
“It is the power of choice dictating which, in the myriads of thoughts you think each day, will carry your focused intensified conscious attention, and magnetize all associated thoughts in and around this thought stream to itself. The sharper the focus and the depth of belief in your intensified conscious attention or faith will determine the appropriate time for that belief to manifest. It is faith that is the connection point, the funnel into and out of the thought stream of creation. It is great faith that creates strong and intense connection. Please, now understand the intricate relationship between consciousness and power. It is the desire to be an asset in the evolution of mankind, as man awakens to the responsibility of being co-creator of his universe that creates this journey. This journey is endless for it is Life and It is This I am!”
It is This I am then grabs the lapels of the robe he wears, spreads them and his chest to reveal a golden pulsing heart. It pulses a beam of intensely bright white light that hits me in the middle of my forehead and propels me back to my bed. I feel whole energized and more alive than I have ever felt before and I realize It is This, I am.
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